Embrace your divine essence

Welcome sister! I’m Delfina. A Sacred Femininity Facilitator in the Tao Tantric arts.

I invite you to embody the goddess within…

In a journey of self-discovery, where the full spectrum of who you are is welcome. Practice self-love and deeply listen to your body’s wisdom. Become channel of your sexual energy to unleash your empowered, sensual self. Discover the creatix inside you. Learn to trust your intuition and surrender to life. Embrace your magnetic power.

  • Taoist meditation is the first step to sexual alchemy. Following the chinese medicine wheel, we focus on the different organs, transforming the emotions that are there and clearing stagnant energy (Qi). We bring our energy back so we can be fully present, aligned between heaven and earth.

  • Energetic healing practices assist us in letting go of any negative emotions and patterns that don’t serve us or never belonged to us. We protect and clean our field. A womb energetic cleanse is one of the most important practices before raising sexual energy.

  • Somatic embodiment connects us to our body’s wisdom so we can be present, grounded and safe inside ourselves. Our nervous systems become regulated when we expand the container of emotions that we are able to hold inside without escaping. The more pain we allow ourselves to experience, the more pleasure we can experience as well.

  • Taoist kundalini awakening practices are the safest way to awaken this energy and run it through the body. They refine the energy and nourish our bodies and minds, as the energy circulates, going up to the crown and coming back into the body again.

  • Breast and belly massages are a ritual of self love that opens the heart chakra. Our breasts and our hearts are also the doors to orgasm. These practices are key to our health as well, regulating our hormones, cleaning the lymphatic system and preventing any growths. They provide good circulation, energetic health, and make the breasts firm.

  • The yoni is a reflexology map of the whole body. Through yoni massage and yoni toning we can heal pain and numbness, transforming it into pleasure. We can let go of past trauma and stagnant energy that is trapped in the body. New ways of touching allow us to experience more pleasure in extended periods of time, feeling all the parts of the yoni.

  • The jade egg is one o the most powerful tools in Taoist sexual practices. It can assist in yoni dearmoring, strengthening the pelvic floor, creating more circulation, and increasing your potential for vaginal internal orgasms. It also works with the different chakras.

  • Gestalt therapy practices bring new dialogues to your life. They strengthen the connection between your yoni and your heart, your inner feminine and masculine, and your smaller and higher self. They create new pathways between your body and your brain.

  • Advanced kundalini awakening practices from the Tao and Osho traditions can bring you into a full body orgasm inside and outside of bed, with a partner or alone, touching yourself or just experiencing an energetic orgasm. Learn how to master this energy and use it wisely.

The Journey

Taoist sexual arts and Tantra are integrated spiritual paths that embrace enlightment and the embodiment of our true nature.

We connect to higher consciousness and draw it down into the body, channeling our creativity.

Life force energy becomes healing, movement, sound and touch in the most pleasurable way.

Dear Woman,

I’m here to assist you in the mesmerizing journey of meeting yourself. Going into the unknown depths of your sexuality and femininity.

Helping you to tap into your softness, your sensitiviy and your intuiton. So you can remember that you’re an oracle and your body holds wisdom. Allowing yourself to surrender and free from past trauma and unhealthy patterns, expanding your container to hold your full range of emotions and regulate your nervous system. Listening to your body, letting her speak by connecting to your higher self. Learning how to create the safety that you need, so you can be fully present and allow yourself to tap into those places that hold pain, numbness and discomfort and transform them into portals of pleasure. Seeing pleasure as an act of love, love to you first than to anyone else, opening yourself to receive it from you and others, whenever you want. Your body becomes sacred when you treat it as such. Your sexuality becomes sacred when you live it as such. You are sacred if you treat yourself as sacred.

My journey with Tantra

My journey started as I went through one of the most painful periods of my life. Almost simultaneously, I decided to end a long term co-dependent relationship and stopped having contact with my dad, who was trapped in a deep cocaine addiction. I had to accept both situations for what they were and the fact that I couldn’t change them, only learn how to set healthy boundaries and listen and care for my own needs. I also had to accept that both situations were very sad, I had to allow myself to feel this sadness and let it out. This was the moment where I learnt what true surrender really means. Allowing myself to feel it all, channeling all that energy and learning to love myself, touch myself after being in freeze mode from sexual trauma, I experienced my first kundalini awakening. From that moment on, my life started to change drastically really fast, things started to align, I found safety and pleasure in my body and I was able to come into states of pure bliss as I had never experienced before.

I’m a 270h certified Sacred Femininity Facilitator in Tao Tantric Arts, in alliance with the Universal Healing Tao system from Mantak Chia. My teachers are Minke de Vos and Shashi Solluna.

I’m trained in Tao Energy Basics, Shamanic Chinese Medicine, Meditation, Qigong, Energy Healing, Self-Massage, Jade Egg practices, Dance, Sacred Sexuality and Women’s Health.

I offer 1:1 sessions, women’s circles, sacred rituals and group workshops and classes.

My experience

Connect with your Inner Goddess

Embrace the power within and awaken your divine femininity. Let's embark on a soft journey of self-discovery and empowerment together, guided by the ancient wisdom of Tao Tantric arts.