Dear Woman,

I’m here to assist you in the mesmerizing journey of meeting yourself. Going into the unknown depths of your sexuality and femininity.

Helping you to tap into your softness, your sensitiviy and your intuiton. So you can remember that you’re an oracle and your body holds wisdom. Allowing yourself to surrender and free from past trauma and unhealthy patterns, expanding your container to hold your full range of emotions and regulate your nervous system. Listening to your body, letting her speak by connecting to your higher self. Learning how to create the safety that you need, so you can be fully present and allow yourself to tap into those places that hold pain, numbness and discomfort and transform them into portals of pleasure. Seeing pleasure as an act of love, love to you first than to anyone else, opening yourself to receive it from you and others, whenever you want. Your body becomes sacred when you treat it as such. Your sexuality becomes sacred when you live it as such. You are sacred if you treat yourself as sacred.

My journey with Tantra

My journey started as I went through one of the most painful periods of my life. Almost simultaneously, I decided to end a long term co-dependent relationship and stopped having contact with my dad, who was trapped in a deep cocaine addiction. I had to accept both situations for what they were and the fact that I couldn’t change them, only learn how to set healthy boundaries and listen and care for my own needs. I also had to accept that both situations were very sad, I had to allow myself to feel this sadness and let it out. This was the moment where I learnt what true surrender really means. Allowing myself to feel it all, channeling all that energy and learning to love myself, touch myself after being in freeze mode from sexual trauma, I experienced my first kundalini awakening. From that moment on, my life started to change drastically really fast, things started to align, I found safety and pleasure in my body and I was able to come into states of pure bliss as I had never experienced before.

I’m a 270h certified Sacred Femininity Facilitator in Tao Tantric Arts, in alliance with the Universal Healing Tao system from Mantak Chia. My teachers are Minke de Vos and Shashi Solluna.

I’m trained in Tao Energy Basics, Shamanic Chinese Medicine, Meditation, Qigong, Energy Healing, Self-Massage, Jade Egg practices, Dance, Sacred Sexuality and Women’s Health.

I offer 1:1 sessions, women’s circles, sacred rituals and group workshops and classes.

My experience